Board of Directors
The Umpqua Valley Christian School Board consists of seven members who are selected by the school board and referred to the parents for confirmation. A nominee must be confirmed by 51% of votes cast for each position. Members serve a three-year rotating term and following their first three-year term, members may serve a second three-year term if reconfirmed by students' parents.
UVC is a non-profit corporation. The Board is responsible for ensuring that school decisions align with the mission, vision, and educational philosophy of UVC and they are the keepers of school policy. The only administrative function of the UVC Board is to supervise the Head of School. All monthly school board meetings are open to the school community.
Current Board Members

Jeremy and his wife Teresa have had a Christian Education focus for their two sons, Kadin and Devin, while adding additional learning opportunities along the way. They joined a home school co-op at New Hope Church in 2014 after several years in the public school system. Kadin transitioned to the dual credit program at UCC his Junior year of high school (2018) completing his high school requirements June of 2020 and Associate transfer degree Fall Term of 2020. Kadin is currently in the US Coast Guard. Devin transitioned to UVC his 7th grade year in 2018. Jeremy and Teresa have also been very involved with their boys for the last 15 years through Scouting, where both Kadin and Devin have earned the rank of Eagle Scout.
Professionally, Jeremy has spent 20 of his 26 year career in the area of finance. After a 6 year stint with Roseburg Forest Products in Specialty Panel Sales, Jeremy returned to finance in 2008 becoming a Financial Advisor opening his own branch with Edward Jones. He became a limited partner in 2013. Today, in addition to serving clients, He and his branch team provide leadership to the Southern Oregon Region responsible for new branch team growth in the communities they serve. He also helps coach other Edward Jones Financial Advisors on practice management and client service on the West Coast.
Jeremy and Teresa greatly enjoy their church home at New Hope in Green. They have been very active over the years being part of the membership and enjoy coming along side others with their time and talents to do the work God has place before them.

Robert is the executive director and family therapist at FARA, non-profit, mental health agency. Robert created FARA five years ago this coming November. His desire and hope are to be the hands and feet of Jesus in a social work setting, helping families and children in crisis, get much deserved services. Robert is the most blessed man in the world because his wife said yes 16- years ago, and loves creating moments with Erica. He is a father of six children, three grown-up and raising families of their own and three at home. Robert's passion is his family and providing a connected future for them, that he didn’t have growing up. He loves playing games with his kids, golfing when he gets a chance, and the Miller family loves camping in the summer. The Miller family has attended Roseburg Alliance Church since 2013, and before starting FARA, Robert was the children’s ministry director at RAC. The Miller’s love being servants and are heavily involved in serving their church body and their community. Robert loves teaching the Word whenever given a chance and fills in for local pastors, during vacations, anniversaries, or sabbaticals.

Mark and his wife Allison have two children, Ivy and Ian who both attend UVC. Mark and Allison moved to the Roseburg area approximately 5 years ago when Mark accepted a job as the Power Plant Manager at Roseburg Forest Products in Dillard, Oregon. Mark was recently promoted to an Engineering Manager Role overseeing RFP’s Energy Processes. Allison is currently taking classes at Biola University. Mark and Allison met while they were both in the Navy stationed in Japan. They attend Roseburg Alliance Church where they both serve on the missions board. Additionally, Mark does the live stream and Allison is involved in VBS and children ministry.

Jeff and his wife Amy have lived in Douglas County for over twenty years. Their three children graduated from UVC and went on to earn four-year university degrees. Their school age grandchild currently attends. Jeff is a strong proponent of a Christ-centered education with a Biblical worldview to partner with parents and the local church to know Jesus and make Him known.
Jeff and Amy are members of Family Church and regularly attend at the Sutherlin campus. He is on the church’s mission leadership team, which focuses on unreached people groups partnering with “boots on the ground” in order that all the world may hear, understand, and respond to the Gospel. Prior to this, he served on the church’s youth ministry team. Jeff served or led in high school youth ministry for many years including with parachurch organizations and in the churches he’s attended. Jeff retired in good standing from the Oregon State Police in 2021 after twenty-six years of dedicated service.

Lacey Ferguson spent 10 years as an educator prior to becoming a mom and stepped away from teaching to raise her children. Lacey has experience teaching at multiple grade levels spanning 3rd through 8th grade, but spent the majority of her teaching career at the 6th grade level. She holds a Masters degree in Educational Leadership, has completed the Administrative Licensure Program at University of Oregon, and has experience in mentoring beginning educators, as well as training other experienced educators to serve as mentors. Currently Lacey is self-employed as an Educational and Program Development Consultant and works with non-profit organizations in Douglas County.
Lacey and her husband Brian live on a cattle ranch in Dixonville with their three sons, Clay, Rhett, and Boone. They attend Covenant Life Fellowship and love serving their church in the areas of worship team, children’s ministry, and hosting a community group. Lacey enjoys supporting Brian in his position as head coach of the UVC boys basketball team which allows for Brian to be involved in discipleship of young men at UVC. Lacey and Brian are proud to be a part of the UVC community and are excited to see their three sons attend UVC for all their school years.
Do you have questions or comments for the UVC School Board?
Enter your information below and the UVC Board Chairman will receive your request. To protect anonymity, only the Board Chairman receives your inquiry. Information that is appropriate to disseminate to the rest of the board will be done through the Board Chairman.